To be in a mutually supportive and loving relationship, grounded in Christianity, with a purpose of creating an environment that fosters great happiness and fulfillment for both.  Each person will be mindful of what they say and how they say it at all times in order to create an atmosphere of positive energy at all times.  

Concerns are expressed when felt in a respectful and positive manner...and they are received in a respectful manner, with the goal being to resolve those concerns in a timely and mutually acceptable way. 

The need and desire for together time is respected and appreciated by each. The need for privacy and personal time is respected and appreciated by each. The expectation of confidentiality of things shared is respected by each person. While the relationship is not expected to supersede all other relationships, neither does it take a back seat to any other relationship.

  There is no preexisting mold into which the relationship must fit. The relationship must simply satisfy the needs and wants of the people in the relationship.  Those needs and wants must be clearly and honestly and fully expressed by each person in the relationship since they cannot otherwise be known with sufficient accuracy and certainty necessary to foster the mutually supporting and loving relationship that is desired.